Monday, August 23, 2010

For the Love of Food

For the Love of FoodFor the Love of Food

For the Love of FoodFor the Love of Food
The sense of responsibility is lost when we have the illusion that we can eat whatever we Everywhere we look within society we see advertisements for food and advertisements for weight loss. They are not being taught at a young age how to take fresh foods from the refrigerator and create a healthy meal. Children are being taught that when they are hungry you get in the car and go pick something up. We live in a world of the here and now.

That is why we can't drive more than 15 miles without seeing chains of fast food restaurants. It seems to get pushed aside with so many other things that feeding ourselves are done on a whim. Very few maintain a set schedule for meals and the preparation involved. Everyone is on the go.

We all live in a fast paced world. Keeping everything in balance can prove to be a challenge. Food can stir up the senses; do you view this as a pleasure or a curse? It would be difficult to give one of them up willingly. Think of one thing and see how the senses all interact together; the sounds that surround, the smell that is present, the sight of the colors, the taste you experience, the heightened touch against your skin, and the emotions that imprint a moment in our mind.

We were created to sense many things for our enjoyment of life. How many actual senses we have truly boggle the mind. Which of our senses would you vote to be your favorite?

Cherries and Gout

Cherries and GoutCherries and Gout

Cherries and GoutCherries and Gout

While Flavonoids also act as an anti-inflammatory to reduce and prevent the inflammation that is marked in sufferers of repeated gout attacks. Anthocyanin is an important anti-inflammatory and has also been shown to reduce the incidence of colon cancer. Scientists believe that the key beneficial ingredient in cherries is a compound called anthocyanin, which gives cherries their distinctive red colour. Since that first important study linking cherries and gout, many other scientific studies have taken place and all of them have reported the same significant findings-that gout and cherries enjoy a very beneficial relationship.

They reported a significant reduction in the number of gout attacks and uric acid levels were shown to have dropped to a normal level. Twelve sufferers of gout were given one pound of cherries to eat per day and all of the subjects showed improvement. The first time cherries and gout were linked was in a scientific study that took place in 1950. These are then deposited in the joints and tissues, commonly in the toes, which causes painful inflammation and affects the range of movement of the joints.

Gout is a painful and debilitating condition caused by excessive uric acid crystals accumulating in the blood. Like many home remedies, it will not work for everyone, but lots of people have reported favourable results and for those who suffer from gout, it is well worth trying. Cherries and gout have been inextricably linked for many years and cherry juice is a very popular home remedy used to help prevent the recurrence of the symptoms of gout.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Lowering Your Blood Pressure

Lowering Your Blood PressureLowering Your Blood Pressure
Exercising Start a diet program and commence eating healthier. If your overweight you are at a high chance of high blood pressure. You can simply find items that help give up smoking or help quit the use of other tobacco products.

This faster heart beat raises your blood pressure. Nicotine makes your blood vessels constrict resulting in a faster heart beat. If you use any tobacco of any kind, stop your use or decrease it significantly. The lifestyle changes alone may just not be sufficient and added with medication could help significantly.

If doing these simple changes does not help and you have to use medication, continue doing the changes along with the medication. Making way of life changes is the first way to go when you like to lower your blood pressure. This means that, having hypertension is very bad for you and you would like to address it quickly. If you have hypertension it damages your blood vessels increasing your risk for stroke or heart and kidney diseases.

The're different reasons you have hypertension and various things you can do to help lower it. This is an important procedure to monitor your pressure and be certain you do not possess high blood pressure. If you see your doctor regularly you more than have likely the pressure of your blood checked every time. What you eat, how much you exercise, even your traits can effect the pressure of your blood.

3 Tips for Having the Best Vegetable Garden Naturally

Vegetable Garden Naturally Vegetable Garden Naturally

Vegetable Garden Naturally Vegetable Garden Naturally
They taste better and are healthier for you,being fresh and full of anti-oxidants,no transport involved which is good for the environment and you don't have to use chemicals or pesticides either.

Here are three tips for growing the best vegetables for you and your family.

1. Mulch - Mulch is a protective covering that is laid on the top of the soil. It reduces the moisture loss from the soil by preventing evaporation . Mulch also prevents erosion by protecting the beds when it rains.

Another advantage of using mulch is that it helps to regulate the soil temperature. By regulating temperature mulch helps encourage plant root growth. Healthy roots,healthy plants! Mulch reduces the need for other weed control measures because it effectively smothers weed seedlings, and prevents air-borne seeds from germinating.

Mulch has the added advantage of enriching the soil as it breaks down and releases nutrients back into the soil. Mulch that is not completely decomposed will encourage microbial organisms that are beneficial to healthy plants.

Common mulches include chipped hardwood bark, softwood bark, compost, straw, hay, rice husks, peat moss, sawdust, wood chip, peanut hulls and lawn clippings.

2.Natural Pest Control - We have become too dependant on chemicals and these may not be good for our health instead interest in non-chemical pest control has increased in recent times along with the notion that natural is best! All plants release different chemical agents which attract or repel insects, and either help, or discourage their growth and reproduction. These chemicals are released, either above ground through leaves, or below ground from roots. Investigation into companion planting can be extremely helpful here.

There are a number of 'natural' sprays you can use to control or eliminate pests and diseases in your garden. For example, garlic, pyrethrum, chilli, wormwood, and rhuarb all make excellent sprays for different garden pests and diseases.

If you have an infestation of aphids, spray the infested stems, leaves, and buds with a very dilute soapy water, then clean water.

3 - Organic Fertilizers There are many ways we can fertilise our garden and maintain its natural status. Chicken,horse,cow and sheep manure can be added to the soil,before planting. One of the most effective fertilisers is to use worm castings. Liquid worm castings make very nutritious fertiliser. If you set up a worm farm it serves two purposes. You will have a ready disposal for your kitchen scraps. You will also have a seedling mix from the worm castings, and you will have liquid worm castings for fertilising your vegetables

A great fertiliser for young plants is one quarter liquid worm castings and three quarters water. For older plants the mixture can be stronger - about 50/50.

By: Willow Mason